Brushstroke EstoniaAutor(id): Aavo Kokk, Andres Eilart
Kirjastus: Eesti Ajalehed
Aasta: 2011
ISBN: 9789949478637
Lehekülgi: 313
Suurus: kõvas köites
Andres Eilart and Aavo Kokk have compiled a book, the likes of which has not been published in Estonia before. It is, at the same time, both a comprehensive art book, as well as an interesting nature-loving sightseers guide to Estonia. The book contains 150 pleasantly casual introductions to noteworthy places in Estonia. They deal with landscapes and people, with history and legends. Every informative text is accompanied by a picture, or even several, just as the artists have seen the location under discussion. Estonias best-known artist are represented here, but, even a few world-famous artists from abroad. Here, between these covers, can be found old favourites, as well as new, totally unexpected, suprises. All the works of art have been placed, on a map of Estonia, where the artist stood when they were depicting that particular landscape. In many cases, it has been possible to do this with almost pin-point accuracy. This book takes the reader on a unique tour of Estonias water-holes, fields, and forests. As well as provides a glimpse into Estonian art collections and the nations cultural history. In the process of compiling this book, Andres and Aavo had the opportunity of looking at thousands of works of art in museums and private collections. And thus, made interesting discoveries that will fascinate both art admirers and nature lovers. www.maastikumaal.ee
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Hetkel on otsas*
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märge ootenimekirja, siis saame sulle eelisjärjekorras saata teavituse kui raamat on jälle saadaval.
Soovin teavitust raamatu saabumisel:
Brushstroke Estonia, Aavo Kokk, Andres Eilart, Eesti Ajalehed 2011Palun kontrolli üle punasega märgitud väljad
Vaikimisi me ei teavita raamatukogudest mahakantud, templitega ega keskmisest kulunumas seisukorras eksemplaridest. Kui siiski soovid nende kohta teavitust, siis lisa vastavatele ridadele linnukesed.
Ootenimekirja kandmine on ainult teavituse jaoks, kui raamat saabub poodi. Vormi täitmine ei pane sulle ostukohustust, sest osad väljaanded on haruldasemad kui teised, siis pole meil võimalik kuidagi ennustada täpset aega, millal raamat võib taas müügile tulla.
alla viimati lisatud:
all on 0 raamatut. Klõpsa
siia, et näha täielikku loendit!