The Baltic Crusade, William Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! The Baltic Crusade, William Urban, Northern Illinois University Press 1975 | vanaraamat. ee
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Pealkiri: The Baltic Crusade
Autor(id): William Urban
Kujundaja: Guy Fleming

Kirjastus: Northern Illinois University Press
Aasta: 1975
ISBN: 0875800521
Lehekülgi: 296

Suurus: kõvas köites

Esimene raamat, mis käsitleb laiemalt sakslaste ja skandinaavlaste poolt 13. sajandil Baltimaadele korraldatud ristiretke. William Urban's is the first book in any language on the crusade of the Germans and Scandinavians into the Baltic area in the thirteenth century. Although neglected by historians, the Baltic crusade shaped lines of influence still dominate the area. The Teutonic Knights and the Hanseatic League were products of this crusade that fastened German influence over the Baltic for centuries to come. At the height of the crusading movement German and Scandinavian forces began to move eastward into Livonia on a mercantile and missionary venture. What began as a peaceful mission to the pagans became military as the need arose to suppress Estonian pirates and to protect converts. The Church called on military volunteers, and soon ambitious prelates and military orders took power in the east. Assisting the weaker tribes against their traditional enemies, they guaranteed the triumph of Christianity. The crusader's success and failures depended partly on their ability to exploit existing alliances and partly on political conditions in their homelands. Contents: Preface Northern Germany in the Late Twelfth Century Livonia on the Eve of the Invasions Organization of the Baltic Crusade Denmark and Livonia Crusader Success in Livonia Danish Intervention and the Conquest of Estonia The Intervention of the Papacy The Teutonic Knights Take Charge Reorientation of the Crusade Albert Suerbeer and the Teutonic Knights Expansion into Semgallia The End of the Crusade Epilogue

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The Baltic Crusade, William Urban, Northern Illinois University Press 1975 |
The Baltic Crusade, William Urban, Northern Illinois University Press 1975 |
The Baltic Crusade, William Urban, Northern Illinois University Press 1975 |
The Baltic Crusade, William Urban, Northern Illinois University Press 1975 |
The Baltic Crusade, William Urban, Northern Illinois University Press 1975 |
The Baltic Crusade, William Urban, Northern Illinois University Press 1975 |

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