Teema: Esoteerika, religioon
In the Light of Truth. The Grail MessageAutor(id): Abd-ru-shin
Kirjastus: Stiftung Gralsbotschaft
Linn: Stuttgart
Aasta: 1990
Lehekülgi: 216
Seisukord: kasutatud raamat, kaaned kohati kulunud, pühendus sees, sisu olemas ja loetav
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega
Raamat on inglise keeles.
The Grail Message is a special Work, which clearly answers all the unsolved problems of human existence. The vast knowledge mediated in its pages leads the earnestly-seeking reader, who weighs and examines objectively, out of the present-day confusion and distortion, to clear recognitions.
The Grail Message commands attention by its forceful language, by the clarity of its thoughts and by the setting right of distorted concepts, unmistakably and sometimes severely but irrefutably explained.
The laws in which the entire Creation came into being and exists are plainly set forth, the World Happening is interpreted in its true significance, and man's responsibility before God and his fellow man is revealed and explained. Thus to him who opens himself to these recognitions is restored the indestructible inner security of his personality. For the seeking human being, the 168 lectures of this Work deal with all essential questions and spheres of life:
Meaning of soul and spirit
Occultism and spiritism
Natural Sciences
The World, time and eternity
Knowledge and wisdom
Existence and Creation
Social and economic questions
Religion and church
Family and state
Sex and sexuality
Justice and law
Intuition and intellect
Psychology and cultivation of the spirit
The recognition of God
religioon, esoteerika, filosoofia, eneseabi, inimene
10,00 EURTeema
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