Teema: Pedagoogika ja lastekasvatus
Educational Psychology, Active Learning EditionAutor(id):
Kirjastus: Allyn & Bacon
Aasta: 2004
ISBN: 0205435297, 9780205435296
Lehekülgi: 704
Seisukord: kaaned kohati kulunud
Mõõdud: 276x218x26 mm
Suurus: suures formaadis, pehmete kaantega
The best-selling Educational Psychology text has been reformatted and "chunked" to give instructors greater course flexibility and to help students master the material easily. Derived from Anita Woolfolk's market-leading Educational Psychology, 9th Edition, the most thorough, accessible, and authoritative text on the market, the Active Learning Edition breaks the material into manageable "modules." To provide customers with an alternative version to the longer chapters of the standard 9th Edition, that version's 15 chapters now appear as 43 briefer modules, which are easy to cover in shorter academic terms and will make learning easier for students. In addition to presenting comprehensive, expert coverage of all topics teachers need to understand how students learn and all the classroom applications for which the author is justly renowned, the modules are grouped into clusters that allow for deeper context and background for each topic. Further, each module is a self-contained learning unit, with learning objectives and review questions ("Check Yourself") that provide immediate reinforcement of key concepts and build students' confidence in their grasp of the material.
20,00 EURTeema
Eneseabi, psühholoogia, psühhiaatria, pedagoogika, lastekasvatus alla viimati lisatud:
Enn Koemets, Kuidas õppida,
Valgus, 1979, hind: 6,00 eurot
Arnold Bennett, Vaimne võimekus,
Kuldsulg, 1996, hind: 4,00 eurot
Dale Carnegie, Ärge muretsege, hakake elama!,
Ilo, 1992, hind: 6,00 eurot
Carolyn Webster-Stratton, Imelised aastad. Juhend 2-8-aastaste lastevanematele,
Atlex, 2019, hind: 18,00 eurot
Maria Teiverlaur, Luuleteraapia,
Külim, 2007, hind: 16,00 eurot
Ann Gillanders, Tsooniteraapia naistele. Lihtsad eneseabivõtted igas eas naistele,
Varrak, 2006, hind: 17,00 eurot
John Gray, Mehed on Marsilt, naised Veenuselt,
Kupar, 1996, hind: 8,00 eurot
Dale Carnegie, Kuidas võita sõpru ja mõjustada inimesi,
Perioodika, 1991, hind: 5,00 eurot
John Gray, Marss ja Veenus igavesti koos. Suhtlemisoskus kestvaks armastuseks,
Kupar, 2001, hind: 13,50 eurot
John Gray, Ph. D., Marss ja veenus magamistoas,
Kupar, 1997, hind: 7,00 eurot
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