Teema: Elulood, memuaarid
Madonna Like An IconAutor(id): Lucy O'Brien
Kirjastus: Bantam Press
Aasta: 2007
ISBN: 9780593059609
Lehekülgi: 414
Seisukord: kasutatud raamat, kaaned kulunud, sisu korras
Suurus: tavaformaadist pisut suuremas formaadis, pehmete kaantega
Here is the groundbreaking biography that finally solves the mystery at the heart of Madonna's chameleonlike existence. Drawing upon scores of candid interviews with producers, musicians, collaborators, lovers, and friends, Lucy O'Brien's Madonna: Like an Icon explores the complex personality and legendary drive that have made Madonna the most famous female pop artist of our time. From her mother's premature death to Madonna's dynamic arrival on the New York club scene, from "Like a Virgin" to Evita and beyond, every stage of this dazzling star's life and career is brilliantly illuminated—the stereotypes deconstructed, the lies exposed, the artist examined, the legend celebrated.
biography, arts, entertainment, music, elulood, memuaarid, biograafiad, lauljad, kuulsused
14,00 EURTeema
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