Change Your Brain, Change Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Daniel G. Amen, Piatkus Books 2016 | vanaraamat. ee
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Ostukorv on tühi

Teema: Eneseabi
Pealkiri: Change Your Brain, Change Your Life
Autor(id): Daniel G. Amen

Kirjastus: Piatkus Books
Aasta: 2016
ISBN: 9780349413358, 0349413355
Lehekülgi: 480

Seisukord: normaalses korras raamat
Suurus: tavaformaadist pisut suuremas formaadis, pehmete kaantega


Revised and Expanded Edition.

Revised and Expanded Edition. In this completely revised and updated edition of the breakthrough bestseller that's sold nearly a million copies worldwide, you'll see scientific evidence that your anxiety, depression, anger, obsessiveness or impulsiveness could be related to how specific structures work in your brain. You're not stuck with the brain you're born with. Renowned neuropsychiatrist Dr Daniel Amen includes new, cutting-edge research gleaned from more than 100,000 SPECT brain scans over the last 25 years and the latest, surprising, effective 'brain prescriptions' that can help heal your brain and change your life. This book offers simple techniques which will help you to: Quell anxiety and panic; fight depression; boost memory; conquer impulsiveness and learn to focus; and stop obsessive worrying.

Hind: 10,00 EUR
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Eneseabi all on 1279 raamatut. Klõpsa siia, et näha täielikku loendit!
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Daniel G. Amen, Piatkus Books 2016 |
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Daniel G. Amen, Piatkus Books 2016 |
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Daniel G. Amen, Piatkus Books 2016 |
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Daniel G. Amen, Piatkus Books 2016 |
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Daniel G. Amen, Piatkus Books 2016 |
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Daniel G. Amen, Piatkus Books 2016 |

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