Teema: Majandus, poliitika
Ignorant Maestro: How Great Leaders Inspire Unpredictable BrillianceAutor(id): Itay Talgam
Kirjastus: Portfolio Penguin
Aasta: 2015
ISBN: 9780241014851
Lehekülgi: 240
Seisukord: korralik raamat
Mõõdud: 210x140x17 mm
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega
In The Ignorant Maestro, Symphony Orchestra conductor Itay Talgam reveals the art of successful leadership by looking at the world's greatest conductors A conductor in front of his orchestra is an iconic symbol of leadership. But what does a maestro actually do to ensure cooperation, harmony and a flawless performance? The key is to embrace ignorance. For twenty years, orchestra conductor Itay Talgam has drawn on his experience on the podium to teach non-musicians the art of leading like a conductor - from CEOs to entrepreneurs, politicians to schoolteachers. In The Ignorant Maestro, he brings that art to leaders everywhere. Turning to six of the most iconic conductors as examples, from the dictatorial Muti to Bernstein, the master of dialogue, Talgam's anecdotes and insights will change the way you think about listening, humility and the path to unpredictable brilliance. They will equip you for exceptional leadership. And they will empower you to lead your team to greater harmony.
13,00 EURTeema
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