Hero Book One Wake Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! Hero. Book One. Wake of the Old, Kenneth Muuli, Gutenbergi Pojad 2012 | vanaraamat. ee
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Teema: Ilukirjandus: eesti kirjandus
Pealkiri: Hero. Book One. Wake of the Old
Autor(id): Kenneth Muuli

Kirjastus: Gutenbergi Pojad
Aasta: 2012
ISBN: 9789949333943
Lehekülgi: 324

Seisukord: korralik raamat
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega


What would happen, if one day you are given a sword, a ring and a few kind words – your mission, save the world. What makes a hero tick? This is the kind of adventure Mark Sternberg stumbles upon.

Shortly after getting hit by a car, the life of a New York college student is turned upside down. Supposedly, his life is in danger, supposedly, the whole world is in danger. The only thing certain, is that when the wizard Zaurin enters his life, nothing remains the same.

Our universe is only one half of a whole. Hidden between the cracks and crannies of spacetime, on the borderlands of fantasy and reality, is Alterra, the realm of our minds. It appears that the link between our “fantasy” and reality is not as hazy as we might have thought. All our mythology exists, in Alterra, the land between dreams.

It turns out that dark forces from there have already gathered here on Earth. And so, Mark must quickly understand the world around him, if he is to find out what happened to his family and beloved friend Cathy. At the same time, he must also figure out how to complete his mighty task. In his way stand lethal politics, a stange world, intriguing relations and dubious allies. In midst all of this, it remains unclear, whether he is really a hero or someone’s pawn.

What makes a hero tick?

Hind: - Hetkel on otsas*

*Jäta enda märge ootenimekirja, siis saame sulle eelisjärjekorras saata teavituse kui raamat on jälle saadaval.

Teema Ilukirjandus: eesti kirjandus alla viimati lisatud:

Hugo Angervaks, Must kajakas,
Eesti Raamat, 1987, hind: 2,50 eurot

Kaur Riismaa, Pimeda mehe aiad,
Tänapäev, 2015, hind: 6,00 eurot

Lennart Meri. Koostanud ja toimetanud Urmas Sutrop ning Mart Meri, Hõbevalge. Reisikiri suurest paugust, tuulest ja muinasluulest. Eesti lugu,
Eesti Päevaleht, Akadeemia, 2008, hind: 10,00 eurot

Saale Väester, Mõtle positiivselt,
Kentaur, 2009, hind: 9,00 eurot

Hinge Kaljund, Urbanowiczid,
Canopus, 2017, hind: 13,00 eurot

Olle Lauli, Kodutus,
Tuum, 2011, hind: 11,00 eurot

Andrei Ivanov, Batüskaaf,
Tänapäev, 2017, hind: 15,00 eurot

Marje Ernits, Kaks lasku,
Eesti Raamat, 2016, hind: 11,00 eurot

Tiit Sepa, Tulija ja jälgija,
Ersen, 2015, hind: 10,00 eurot

Piret Bristol, Pöörikoht,
Tuum, 2016, hind: 7,00 eurot

Ilukirjandus: eesti kirjandus all on 4353 raamatut. Klõpsa siia, et näha täielikku loendit!
Hero. Book One. Wake of the Old, Kenneth Muuli, Gutenbergi Pojad 2012 | vanaraamat.ee
Hero. Book One. Wake of the Old, Kenneth Muuli, Gutenbergi Pojad 2012 | vanaraamat.ee
Hero. Book One. Wake of the Old, Kenneth Muuli, Gutenbergi Pojad 2012 | vanaraamat.ee
Hero. Book One. Wake of the Old, Kenneth Muuli, Gutenbergi Pojad 2012 | vanaraamat.ee
Hero. Book One. Wake of the Old, Kenneth Muuli, Gutenbergi Pojad 2012 | vanaraamat.ee
Hero. Book One. Wake of the Old, Kenneth Muuli, Gutenbergi Pojad 2012 | vanaraamat.ee

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