Teema: Käsiraamatud
Miller's Pine & Country Furniture: Buyer's Guide (Buyer's Price Guide)Autor(id): Martin Miller
Kirjastus: Antique Collectors Club Ltd
Aasta: 1995
ISBN: 9781857326840, 1857326849
Lehekülgi: 352
Seisukord: raamatul võib esineda kopitamise lõhna, mis meie kogemuse põhjal aja jooksul lahtub, muus osas normaalses korras raamat
Suurus: suures formaadis, kõvade kaantega
The Miller's Buyer's Guide series provides invaluable reference material for the enthusiast as well as the experienced collector. Each guide concentrates on a popular area of collecting and features thousands of examples, which are illustrated, authenticated, and given an up-to-date price range by a team of top dealers, and auction house specialists. Pine and country furniture continues to ride the crest of popularity, with collectors drawn to the warm-colored tones, attractive designs, and affordable prices. Selling over 20,000 copies since publication, Miller's Pine & Country Furniture Buyer's Guide has been completely revised with all price ranges updated. All types of pine and country furniture are featured as well as oak and painted pine furniture, and kitchenalia. Over 3,500 items are illustrated.
8,00 EURTeema
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Ilo, 2000, hind: 15,00 eurot
Koostanud: Maie Toom, Väike bioloogiamõistete sõnastik põhikoolile,
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