Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
Ender's Shadow (The Shadow Series #1)Autor(id): Orson Scott Card
Kirjastus: Starscape
Aasta: 2002
ISBN: 0765342405 (ISBN13: 9780765342409)
Lehekülgi: 469
Sari: Ender's Saga 1
Seisukord: kaaned pisut kulunud
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega
Welcome to Battleschool.
Growing up is never easy. But try living on the mean streets as a child begging for food and fighting like a dog with ruthless gangs of starving kids who wouldn't hesitate to pound your skull into pulp for a scrap of apple. If Bean has learned anything on the streets, it's how to survive. And not with fists. He is way too small for that. But with brains.
Bean is a genius with a magician's ability to zero in on his enemy and exploit his weakness.
What better quality for a future general to lead the Earth in a final climactic battle against a hostile alien race, known as Buggers. At Battleschool Bean meets and befriends another future commander - Ender Wiggins - perhaps his only true rival.
Only one problem: for Bean and Ender, the future is now.
Ender's Shadow is the book that launched The Shadow Series, and the parallel novel to Orson Scott Card's science fiction classic, Ender's Game.
Literary Awards:
Locus Award Nominee for Best SF Novel (2000), ALA Alex Award (2000), Lincoln Award Nominee (2005), Seiun Award 星雲賞 Nominee for Best Foreign Novel (2001), Margaret A. Edwards Award (2008)
Science Fiction
Young Adult
Science Fiction
Hind: -

Hetkel on otsas*
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märge ootenimekirja, siis saame sulle eelisjärjekorras saata teavituse kui raamat on jälle saadaval.
Soovin teavitust raamatu saabumisel:
Ender's Shadow (The Shadow Series #1), Orson Scott Card, Starscape 2002Palun kontrolli üle punasega märgitud väljad
Vaikimisi me ei teavita raamatukogudest mahakantud, templitega ega keskmisest kulunumas seisukorras eksemplaridest. Kui siiski soovid nende kohta teavitust, siis lisa vastavatele ridadele linnukesed.
Ootenimekirja kandmine on ainult teavituse jaoks, kui raamat saabub poodi. Vormi täitmine ei pane sulle ostukohustust, sest osad väljaanded on haruldasemad kui teised, siis pole meil võimalik kuidagi ennustada täpset aega, millal raamat võib taas müügile tulla.
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Anne McCaffrey, Lohelend,
Varrak, 2000, hind: 23,00 eurot
V. Obrutšev, Plutoonia,
Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1954, hind: 7,00 eurot
Joan Garner, Kummitushääled,
Odamees, 2002, hind: 3,00 eurot
Aleksandr Mirer, Kus on rändurite kodu?,
Eesti Raamat, 1984, hind: 4,50 eurot
Edgar Allan Poe, Novelle,
Eesti Raamat, 1989, hind: 5,00 eurot
Ellen Steiber, Vingerdis,
Varrak, 1998, hind: 4,50 eurot
Charles Grant; Seriaali autor: Chris Carter, Tuulispask,
Varrak, 1997, hind: 5,50 eurot
Oleg Divov, Väljapraakimine. Ulmepõnevik,
Skarabeus, 2015, hind: 4,00 eurot
Herbert George Wells, Ajamasin. Maailmade sõda,
Eesti Raamat, 1995, hind: 8,00 eurot
Michael Moorcock, Valge hundi saatus. Legend Mustast mõõgast,
Fantaasia, 2000, hind: 4,00 eurot
Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus all on 1722 raamatut. Klõpsa
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