Netherfield Park Revisited (The Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! Netherfield Park Revisited (The Pemberley Chronicles #3), Rebecca Ann Collins, Sourcebooks Landmark 2008 | vanaraamat. ee
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"Coloured Dreams"
1 tk kogusumma: 5,00 EUR

Teema: Armastusromaanid
Pealkiri: Netherfield Park Revisited (The Pemberley Chronicles #3)
Autor(id): Rebecca Ann Collins

Kirjastus: Sourcebooks Landmark
Aasta: 2008
ISBN: 1402211554 (ISBN13: 9781402211553)
Lehekülgi: 301
Sari: The Pemberley Chronicles 3

Seisukord: korralik raamat
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega


The third book in the bestselling Pride and Prejudice sequel series from Australia.

"A very readable and believable tale for readers who like their romance with a historical flavor."
Book News

Love, betrayal, and changing times for the Darcys and the Bingleys

Three generations of the Darcy and the Bingley families evolve against a backdrop of the political ideals and social reforms of the mid-Victorian era.

Jonathan Bingley, the handsome, distinguished son of Charles and Jane Bingley, takes center stage, returning to Hertfordshire as master of Netherfield Park. A deeply passionate and committed man, Jonathan is immersed in the joys and heartbreaks of his friends and family and his own challenging marriage. At the same time, he is swept up in the changes of the world around him.

Netherfield Park Revisited combines captivating details of life in mid-Victorian England with the ongoing saga of Jane Austen's beloved Pride and Prejudice characters.

"Ms. Collins has done it again!"
- Beverly Wong, author of Pride & Prejudice Prudence

Historical Fiction

Hind: 5,00 EUR
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Netherfield Park Revisited (The Pemberley Chronicles #3), Rebecca Ann Collins, Sourcebooks Landmark 2008 |
Netherfield Park Revisited (The Pemberley Chronicles #3), Rebecca Ann Collins, Sourcebooks Landmark 2008 |
Netherfield Park Revisited (The Pemberley Chronicles #3), Rebecca Ann Collins, Sourcebooks Landmark 2008 |
Netherfield Park Revisited (The Pemberley Chronicles #3), Rebecca Ann Collins, Sourcebooks Landmark 2008 |
Netherfield Park Revisited (The Pemberley Chronicles #3), Rebecca Ann Collins, Sourcebooks Landmark 2008 |
Netherfield Park Revisited (The Pemberley Chronicles #3), Rebecca Ann Collins, Sourcebooks Landmark 2008 |

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