Teema: Joogid
Chinese WineAutor(id): Zhengping Li
Kirjastus: Cambridge University Press
Aasta: 2011
ISBN: 0521186501, 9780521186506
Lehekülgi: 138
Seisukord: normaalses seisukorras raamat
Suurus: tavaformaadist pisut suuremas formaadis, pehmes köites
This illustrated introduction to Chinese wine explores the history of wine production in China, the legends and customs that surround it and its place in China today. Traditionally, Chinese wine and spirits were made from grain, and had three important uses: to perform rituals, to dispel one's worries and to heal. Today, wine is still believed to have a therapeutic benefit, but the Chinese beverage industry has expanded on a large scale and now includes famous brands of beer and, increasingly, vineyards producing red and white wine for global consumption. Chinese Wine is indispensable reading for both wine-lovers and all those with an interest in the transition from traditional to modern Chinese culture
7,00 EURTeema
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