Raamatute kataloog: In english
Kokku 1627 raamatut lisamise järjekorras, 33 leheküljel
Autor: Glennon Doyle
Kirjastus: Ebury Publishing, 2020
Selle raamatu saame teele panna keskmiselt 3-5 päeva jooksul peale raha laekumist meie arvele.
´This book will shake your brain and make your soul scream. I am so ready for myself after reading this book!´ Adele
´Untamed will liberate
Teema: Eneseabi
heas korras uus raamat kirjastusestHind: -
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Autor: Silvija Berzina, Inara Dimpere, Arija Farte, Ligija Kolosovska ja Raisa Ostaškova. Toimetanud Peter Treacher
Kirjastus: TEA Kirjastus, 1997
Sari: An English Resource Book
Koostöö kirjastustega Jumava ja Alma Littera.
inglise keel
Issues in English : an English resource book
Teema: Keeleõpikud
normaalses korras raamatHind: -
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Autor: Douglas A. Bernstein, Louis A. Penner, Alison Clarke-Stewart, Edward J. Roy
Kirjastus: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 2006
The authors of this comprehensive, research-oriented text have rededicated themselves to exploring "the full range of psychology from cell to society, as free as possible from theoretical bias."
Teema: Psühholoogia, psühhiaatria ja neuroteadus
korralik raamatHind: -
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Autor: Henry Gray
Kirjastus: Arcturus Publishing Ltd, 2008
Presents a definite description of the structures and relationships of the human organs and body systems.
Raamat on inglise keeles.
Teema: Meditsiin, tervishoid
pisut kulunud kaaned, sisu olemas ja korrasHind: -
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Kirjastus: Plata Publishing, 2011
Sari: Rich Dad 1
Explode the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich Challenge the belief that your house is an asset Show parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids
Teema: Majandus, poliitika
heas seisukorras raamatHind: -
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Autor: Agatha Christie
Kirjastus: Pan Books,
Miss Emily was old, rich, and afraid - and now, she's dead. Her terrified plea to Hercule Poirot came a little too late. All that's left is a house full of greedy heirs, and a very strange
Teema: Crime and Thriller Books
kaaned kohati kulunud, sisu korrasHind: -
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Autor: Koostanud Reet Piiri
Kirjastus: Eesti Rahva Muuseum, 2002
Originaali pealkiri Kindad : õnnetähest männakirjani. Inglise
Teema: Folkloor ja etnograafia
normaalses korras raamatHind: -
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Autor: Clive Barker
Kirjastus: Voyager, 2006
Sari: Abarat 2
The Abarat is a magical otherworld composed on an archipelago of twenty-five islands. Candy Quackenbush, escaping her dull life from the most boring place in our world, Chickentown, USA, finds
Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
korralik raamatHind: -
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Kirjastus: Avon-Eos, 1999
Sari: The Chronicles of Amber 1-10
Roger Zelazny's chronicles of Amber have earned their place as all-time classics of imaginative literature. Now, here are all ten novels, together in one magnificent omnibus volume. Witness the
Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
kaaned pisut kulunudHind: -
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Autor: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Kirjastus: Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1995
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry first published The Little Prince in 1943, only a year before his Lockheed P-38 vanished over the Mediterranean during a reconnaissance mission. More than a half
Teema: Laste- ja noortekirjandus: välisautorid
normaalses seisukorras raamatHind: -
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Autor: Sheila Gibson, Robin Gibson
Kirjastus: Not Avail, 1991
Teema: Alternatiivmeditsiin
kaaned kohati kulunud, leheservad määrdunudHind: -
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Autor: Robert Lynn Asprin
Kirjastus: Ace, 1990
Sari: Phule's Company 1
Meet the soldiers of Captain Willard Phule's Company--a handful of military rejects able to do more damage before 9 A.M. than most people do all day. Threatened by an alien enemy, Earth's
Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
kaaned kohati kulunudHind: -
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Autor: Michael Wright, James Bennett (Editor)
Kirjastus: Grange Books Ltd, 2003
Sari: Expert Guide S.
Thriving on every continent and occupying every possible niche in the food chain, birds can be found wherever there is food to sustain them. From Antarctic penguins to flamboyant African
Teema: Loodus
ümbrispaber seljalt pleekinud, muidu korralik raamatHind: -
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Värviliste piltidega ajakiri relvadest.
Teema: In english
normaalses korras kasutatud raamatHind: -
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Autor: Tone Finnanger
Kirjastus: David & Charles, 2010
A collection of 'Tilda' characters, complete with all the sewing techniques, designs and templates you need to create them. It includes four titles presented in a stylish slipcase - Birds,
Teema: Õmblemine
korralik komplektHind: -
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Autor: Orson Scott Card
Kirjastus: Mass Market Paperback, 1992
Sari: Ender's Saga 3
The war for survival of the planet Lusitania will be fought in the heart of a child named Gloriously Bright.
On Lusitania, Ender found a world where humans and pequininos and the Hive Queen
Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
kaaned pisut kulunudHind: -
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Autor: Orson Scott Card
Kirjastus: Starscape, 2002
Sari: Ender's Saga 1
Welcome to Battleschool.
Growing up is never easy. But try living on the mean streets as a child begging for food and fighting like a dog with ruthless gangs of starving kids who wouldn't
Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
kaaned pisut kulunudHind: -
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Autor: Anja Snellman
Kirjastus: New Terrain Press, 2018
Each stage of a relationship has its continent. Where are you on the world map of love?
Every relationship is unique, yet universal. Oona likes to think of love as a map of the world, with
Teema: Armastusromaanid
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Autor: Sarah Dessen
Kirjastus: Viking Books for Young Readers, 2004
Sixteen-year-old Macy Queen is looking forward to a long, boring summer. Her boyfriend is going away. She's stuck with a dull-as-dishwater job at the library. And she'll spend all of her free
Teema: Armastusromaanid
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Autor: Hannah Green, Joanne Greenberg
Kirjastus: Pan Books, 1985
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden is the story of a sixteen-year-old who retreats from reality into the bondage of a lushly imagined but threatening kingdom, and her slow and painful journey
Teema: Ilukirjandus: väliskirjandus
kaaned kohati kulunud ja kleebisegaHind: -
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Autor: Dan Brown
Kirjastus: Corgi Books, 2016
Sari: Robert Langdon 4
*NOW A MAJOR FILM STARRING TOM HANKS AND FELICITY JONES* Florence: Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon awakes in a hospital bed with no recollection of where he is or how he got there. Nor can he
Teema: Kriminaal- ja põnevusromaanid
heas seisukorras raamatHind: -
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Autor: Clay A. Johnson
Kirjastus: O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA, 2012
According to Google's Chairman Eric Schmidt, we create more information every two days than we did throughout human history up to 2003. How can you cope with information overload? This
Teema: In english
korralik raamatHind: -
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Autor: Andrew Solomon
Kirjastus: Scribner, 2002
The author offers a look at depression in which he draws on his own battle with the illness and interviews with others to assess the complexities of the disease, its causes and symptoms, and
Teema: Meditsiin, tervishoid
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Autor: Jeremy Clarkson
Kirjastus: Penguin Books Ltd, 2007
Born to be Riled is a collection of hilarious vintage journalism from Jeremy Clarkson. Jeremy Clarkson, it has to said, sometimes finds the world a maddening place. And nowhere more so than from
Teema: In english
korralik raamatHind: -
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Autor: DK, Lee Davis
Kirjastus: Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd, 1998
Sari: Eyewitness Readers
It was eat or be eaten in the days of the dinosaurs. Step back in time and let them tell you themselves! Stunning DK photographs combine with lively illustrations and engaging age-appropriate
Teema: In english
kaaned kohati kulunud, sisu korrasHind: -
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Autor: J.R.R. Tolkien
Kirjastus: Ballantine Books, 1973
Sari: The Lord of the Rings #3, Middle-earth Universe 3
In the third volume of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the good and evil forces join battle, and we see that the triumph of good is not absolute. The Third Age of Middle-earth ends, and the age
Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
kaaned kohati kulunud, kirje sees, kaaned ja lehed koltunudHind: -
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Autor: Banesh Hoffmann, Helen Dukas
Kirjastus: Paladin, 1975
This beautifully written illustrated memoir is a testament to the indomitable spirit that pervaded the life & work of Albert Einstein. Unlike lengthy biographies that often founder in trivia,
Teema: Elulood, memuaarid
kaaned kohati kulunudHind: -
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Autor: Friendich Reinhold Kreutzwald
Kirjastus: Perioodika, 1985
Tark mees taskus (inglise
Teema: Literature & Fiction
pisut kulunud kaaned, sisu olemas ja korralikHind: -
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Autor: Michael Moore
Kirjastus: Penguin, 2002
Teema: Maailma ajalugu
korralik raamatHind: -
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Autor: D. Kelly Ogden
Kirjastus: Shadow Mountain, 2004
Some people would call this a "self-help" kind of book. The author prefers to identify it, in a sense, as a "Divine-help" book. The secret of self-esteem can never be completely found in the
Teema: Religioon
korralik raamatHind: -
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Autor: Angelica Gorodischer
Kirjastus: Small Beer Press, 2003
This is the first of Argentinean writer Angelica Gorodischer's nineteen award-winning books to be translated into English. In eleven chapters, Kalpa Imperial's multiple storytellers relate the story of a fabled nameless empire which has risen and
Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
normaalses seisukorras raamatHind: -
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Autor: Arkady Martine
Kirjastus: Tor, 2021
A Desolation Called Peace is the spectacular space opera sequel to A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine, winner of the 2020 Hugo Award for Best Novel.
An alien terror could spell our end.
An alien threat lurks on the edges of Teixcalaanli
Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
normaalses seisukorras raamatHind: -
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Autor: Rolf Lidberg
Kirjastus: Aune Forlag AS, 2001
In this journey through a year in the strange and colorful life of the trolls we get to know them as we observe them on winter fishing trips and warm summer
Teema: Laste- ja noortekirjandus: välisautorid
korralik raamatHind: -
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Autor: Rex Stout, Loren D. Estleman (Introduction)
Kirjastus: Bantam Books, 1992
Sari: Nero Wolfe 1
As any herpetologist will tell you, the fer-de-lance is among the most dreaded snakes known to man. When someone makes a present of one to Nero Wolfe, Archie Goodwin knows he's getting
Teema: Kriminaal- ja põnevusromaanid
kaaned kohati kulunudHind: -
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Autor: A.K. Legg
Kirjastus: Haynes Manuals Inc, 2000
1995 to 2000 (N to W registration) 4-cyl Petrol.
Includes Roadside Repairs and MOT Test
Teema: Autod, mootorrattad, traktorid ja muud masinad
kaaned ja lehed pisut kulunud ning määrdunud, üks tahumine leht rebenenudHind: -
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Autor: Toimetajad: Lars Peder Hedberg, Anna Michelson, Inger Grimlund
Kirjastus: Scandinavian Airlines System, 1997
Skandinaavia toidutraditsioonid kohtuvad maailma eri köökide võludega.
Teema: In english
ümbrispaber kohati kulunud ja servadest natuke katkiHind: -
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Kirjastus: BPV-Medien-Vertrieb, 2006
Ajakirja Sandra ingliskeelne
Teema: Kudumine
kaaned kohati kulunudHind: -
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Teema: Kudumine
kaaned pisut kulunudHind: -
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Autor: Bonechi Books
Kirjastus: PC Publishing, 2009
Sari: Great Books of International Cuisine
A feast for the eyes and for the soul - here is the very best from around the Med. This guide provides a culinary journey around the Mediterranean. With its emphasis on fresh seasonal products,
Teema: Kokaraamatud
kaaned kohati kulunudHind: -
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Autor: Francois Mauriac
Kirjastus: Penguin Classics, 2002
Sari: Penguin Modern Classics 241
From the moment she walks from court having been charged with attempting to poison her husband, to her banishment, escape to Paris, and final years of solitude and waiting, the life of Therese
Teema: Literature & Fiction
kaaned kohati kulunud, sisu korrasHind: -
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Autor: Charles Dickens
Kirjastus: Penguin Books, 2007
David Copperfield is the story of a young man's adventures on his journey from an unhappy and impoverished childhood to the discovery of his vocation as a successful novelist. Among the
Teema: Ilukirjandus: väliskirjandus
kaaned kohati kulunud ja nurkadest natuke katkiHind: -
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Autor: Homer
Kirjastus: Wordsworth Classics, 1995
Widely regarded as being the earliest example of ancient Greek literature, The Iliad tells the epic story of the climax of the ten-year Trojan War. The legendary Greek warrior Achilles quarrels
Teema: Eeposed, legendid, müüdid
kaaned pisut kulunudHind: -
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Autor: Sudhir Venkatesh
Kirjastus: Penguin Books, 2008
A New York Times Bestseller
Foreword by Stephen J. Dubner, coauthor of Freakonomics
When first-year graduate student Sudhir Venkatesh walked into an abandoned building in one of Chicago’s
Teema: Elulood, memuaarid
kaaned kohati kulunudHind: -
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Autor: Eckhart Tolle
Kirjastus: Hodder & Stoughton, 2001
The phenomenal bestselling self-help book of its generation - for spiritual followers of the Dalai Lama and Deepak Chopra. Eckhart Tolle demonstrates how to live a healthier and happier life by
Teema: Eneseabi
kaaned pisut kulunudHind: -
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Autor: Ernest Hemingway
Kirjastus: Arrow, 2006
Selle raamatu saame teele panna keskmiselt 3-5 päeva jooksul peale raha laekumist meie arvele.
Written when Hemingway was at the height of his creative powers, the stories in Winner Take Nothing glow with the mark of his unique talent.
Teema: Ilukirjandus: väliskirjandus
heas korras uus raamat kirjastusestHind: -
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Autor: Ernest Hemingway
Kirjastus: Vintage, 2000
Selle raamatu saame teele panna keskmiselt 3-5 päeva jooksul peale raha laekumist meie arvele.
The book that won Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature
Set in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Havana, Hemingway´s magnificent fable is the
Teema: Ilukirjandus: väliskirjandus
heas korras uus raamat kirjastusestHind: -
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Autor: Ernest Hemingway
Kirjastus: Arrow, 2008
Before he gained wide fame as a novelist, Ernest Hemingway established his literary reputation with his short stories. This collection, The Short Stories, originally published in 1938, is definitive. Among these forty-nine short stories are
Teema: Väliskirjanike novellid ja jutud
heas korras uus raamat kirjastusestHind: -
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Autor: Ernest Hemingway
Kirjastus: Arrow,
Selle raamatu saame teele panna keskmiselt 3-5 päeva jooksul peale raha laekumist meie arvele.
A fascinating look at the history and grandeur of bullfighting, Death in the Afternoon is also a deeper contemplation on the nature of cowardice and
Teema: Ilukirjandus: väliskirjandus
heas korras uus raamat kirjastusestHind: -
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Autor: Ernest Hemingway
Kirjastus: Vintage,
Selle raamatu saame teele panna keskmiselt 3-5 päeva jooksul peale raha laekumist meie arvele.
Harry Morgan was hard - the classic Hemingway hero - rum-running, gun-running and man-running from Cuba to the Florida Keys in the Depression.
Teema: Ilukirjandus: väliskirjandus
heas korras uus raamat kirjastusestHind: -
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Autor: Ernest Hemingway
Kirjastus: Arrow,
Selle raamatu saame teele panna keskmiselt 3-5 päeva jooksul peale raha laekumist meie arvele.
High in the pine forests of the Spanish Sierra, a guerrilla band prepares to blow up a vital bridge. Robert Jordan, a young American volunteer, has
Teema: Ilukirjandus: väliskirjandus
heas korras uus raamat kirjastusestHind: -
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Kokku 1627 raamatut lisamise järjekorras, 33 leheküljel