Teema: Crime and Thriller Books
The Runaway JuryAutor(id): John Grisham
Kirjastus: Island
Aasta: 1996
Originaalkeel: inglise keel
ISBN: ISBN-10: 0440224411 ISBN-13: 9780440224419
Lehekülgi: 550
Seisukord: kaaned pisut kulunud, sisu korras
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega
Every jury has a leader, and the verdict belongs to him.In Biloxi, Mississippi, a landmark tobacco trial with hundreds of millions of dollars at stake beginsroutinely, then swerves mysteriously off course. The jury is behaving strangely, and at least one juroris convinced he's being watched. Soon they have to be sequestered. Then a tip from an anonymousyoung woman suggests she is able to predict the jurors' increasingly odd behavior.Is the jury somehow being manipulated, or even controlled? If so, by whom? And, more important, why? "From the Hardcover edition."
Inglisekeelne raamat.
8,00 EUROtsing autori järgi:
John Grisham, Isepäine vandekogu,
Varrak, 2002, hind: 11,00 eurot
John Grisham, Vihmameister,
Varrak, 2001, hind: 8,00 eurot
John Grisham, Vennad,
Varrak, 2002, hind: 15,00 eurot
John Grisham, Pelikani memorandum,
Kuldsulg, 1995, hind: 3,00 eurot
John Grisham, Klient,
Eesti raamat, 1995, hind: 6,00 eurot
John Grisham, Pelikani memorandum,
Eesti Päevaleht, 2013, hind: 8,00 eurot
John Grisham, Aguliadvokaat,
Varrak, Maaleht, 2021, hind: 11,00 eurot
John Grisham, Edasikaebus,
Varrak, 2009, hind: 15,00 eurot
John Grisham, Kohtukutse,
Varrak, 2003, hind: 12,00 eurot
John Grisham, Aguliadvokaat,
Varrak, 2000, hind: 4,50 eurot
John Grisham, Süütu,
Varrak, 2007, hind: 12,00 eurot
John Grisham, Aeg on antud tappa,
Kupar, 1995, hind: 18,00 eurot
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