The Wedding, Danielle Steel, Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! The Wedding, Danielle Steel, Delacorte Press 2000 | vanaraamat. ee
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Ostukorv on tühi

Teema: Armastusromaanid
Pealkiri: The Wedding
Autor(id): Danielle Steel

Kirjastus: Delacorte Press
Aasta: 2000
ISBN: 038531437X
Lehekülgi: 517

Seisukord: raamatukogust kustutatud eksemplar templite ja kirjetega, ümbrispaber ning kaaned kohati kulunud, leheservad veidi määrdunud, sisu korras
Suurus: tavaformaadist pisut väiksemas formaadis, kõvas köites


Simon Steinberg and Blaire Scott are among the most respected couples in Hollywood. They have defied the Hollywood cliché and stayed together for decades. Their three children--teenage aspiring model Samantha, pre-med student Scott, and entertainment lawyer Allegra--are successful and happy. Allegra, as an attorney to the stars, has a career that consumes so much of her energy that she has little time for a private life--until a chance encounter with a New York writer turns her life upside down. Suddenly, she finds herself planning a wedding at her parents' Bel Air home.

As preparations begin, the chaos of last-minute arrangements, surprise announcements and ever-increasing anxiety brings out both the best and the worst in everyone. But while couples in each generation of the Steinberg family struggle with broken vows and new hopes, the real meaning of Allegra's wedding emerges. It is a bridge between the past and the future, an opportunity for reconciliation, forgiveness and new hope for the future - as weddings often are for us all.


Hind: 9,00 EUR
Otsing autori järgi:

Danielle Steel, Paadunud poissmehed,
Ersen, 2006, hind: 11,00 eurot

Danielle Steel, Lummutis,
Ersen, 2000, hind: 8,00 eurot

Danielle Steel, Pulmad,
Ersen, 2003, hind: 6,00 eurot

Danielle Steel, Maja Lootuse tänaval,
Ersen, 2001, hind: 5,00 eurot

Danielle Steel, Teekond,
Ersen, 2003, hind: 7,50 eurot

Danielle Steel, Nüüd ja igavesti,
Ersen, 2000, hind: 6,00 eurot

Danielle Steel, Kurjus,
Ersen, 2000, hind: 13,00 eurot

Danielle Steel, Kurjus,
Ersen, 2000, hind: 11,00 eurot

Danielle Steel, Võhivõõras,
Kupar, 1996, hind: 5,00 eurot

Danielle Steel, Impossible,
Corgi, 2006, hind: 5,00 eurot

Danielle Steel, Jälle armastada!,
Kuldsulg, 1996, hind: 4,00 eurot

Danielle Steel, Mirror Image,
Dell, 1999, hind: 5,00 eurot

Teema In english alla viimati lisatud:

Valdur Mikita, The mystery of Tartu,
2018, hind: 8,00 eurot

Chris Heath, Feel. Robbie Williams,
Ebury Press, hind: 6,00 eurot

At the End of the World,
Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus, 2005, hind: 9,00 eurot

Asta Kass, All kinds of things,
Perioodika, 1986, hind: 8,00 eurot

Einar Sanden, The painter from Naissaar,
Boreas Publishing House, 1985, hind: 14,00 eurot

Koostanud Ülo Tedre, Estonian Customs And Traditions,
Perioodika, 1995, hind: 6,50 eurot

Raimo Pullat, Brief History of Tallinn,
Estopol, 2000, hind: 7,00 eurot

Ellen Niit, Otts Adventures in Space,
Perioodika, 1982, hind: 6,00 eurot

Vanessa Diffenbaugh, The Language of Flowers,
Macmillan, 2011, hind: 15,00 eurot

Ignar Fjuk, Ülo Kaevats, Estonia. Free & independent,
1994, hind: 9,00 eurot

In english all on 255 raamatut. Klõpsa siia, et näha täielikku loendit!
The Wedding, Danielle Steel, Delacorte Press 2000 |
The Wedding, Danielle Steel, Delacorte Press 2000 |
The Wedding, Danielle Steel, Delacorte Press 2000 |
The Wedding, Danielle Steel, Delacorte Press 2000 |
The Wedding, Danielle Steel, Delacorte Press 2000 |
The Wedding, Danielle Steel, Delacorte Press 2000 |

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