Peace And War: The Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! Peace And War: The Omnibus Edition, Joe Haldeman, Gollancz 2006 | vanaraamat. ee
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Ostukorv on tühi

Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
Pealkiri: Peace And War: The Omnibus Edition
Autor(id): Joe Haldeman

Kirjastus: Gollancz
Aasta: 2006
ISBN: 9780575079199
Lehekülgi: 704
Sari: Gollancz S.F.

Seisukord: pisut lainelised lehed, muus osas normaalses korras raamat

Mõõdud: 130 x 196 mm
Suurus: tavaformaat, pehmekaaneline

Together in one volume for the first time ever - the classic novel of epic future conflict THE FOREVER WAR, its sequel FOREVER FREE, and the companion novel FOREVER PEACE

FOREVER WAR William Mandella is a reluctant hero, fighting in a distant interstellar war against unknowable and unconquerable aliens. But his greatest test will be returning to Earth. A few months of his tour of duty equate to centuries on his homeworld, during which he becomes increasingly isolated from the world he has been fighting to protect.

FOREVER FREE Mandella returns home for the last time - to find humanity has evolved into a group conciousness which excludes him. Alone, alienated and missing the certainties of combat, he and his fellow verterans search for an escape - and finally look towards space.

FOREVER PEACE A war is raging, fought by indestructible machines operated remotely by soldiers miles away - and for soldiers like Julian Class, war is truly hell. So when he and his companion, Dr Amelia Harding, uncover something which could take the universe back to square one, the prospect isn't so much terrifying, as terrifyingly tempting ...

Hind: - Hetkel on otsas*

*Jäta enda märge ootenimekirja, siis saame sulle eelisjärjekorras saata teavituse kui raamat on jälle saadaval.

Teema In english alla viimati lisatud:

Valdur Mikita, The mystery of Tartu,
2018, hind: 8,00 eurot

Chris Heath, Feel. Robbie Williams,
Ebury Press, hind: 6,00 eurot

At the End of the World,
Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus, 2005, hind: 9,00 eurot

Asta Kass, All kinds of things,
Perioodika, 1986, hind: 8,00 eurot

Einar Sanden, The painter from Naissaar,
Boreas Publishing House, 1985, hind: 14,00 eurot

Koostanud Ülo Tedre, Estonian Customs And Traditions,
Perioodika, 1995, hind: 6,50 eurot

Raimo Pullat, Brief History of Tallinn,
Estopol, 2000, hind: 7,00 eurot

Ellen Niit, Otts Adventures in Space,
Perioodika, 1982, hind: 6,00 eurot

Vanessa Diffenbaugh, The Language of Flowers,
Macmillan, 2011, hind: 15,00 eurot

Ignar Fjuk, Ülo Kaevats, Estonia. Free & independent,
1994, hind: 9,00 eurot

In english all on 255 raamatut. Klõpsa siia, et näha täielikku loendit!
Peace And War: The Omnibus Edition, Joe Haldeman, Gollancz 2006 |
Peace And War: The Omnibus Edition, Joe Haldeman, Gollancz 2006 |
Peace And War: The Omnibus Edition, Joe Haldeman, Gollancz 2006 |
Peace And War: The Omnibus Edition, Joe Haldeman, Gollancz 2006 |
Peace And War: The Omnibus Edition, Joe Haldeman, Gollancz 2006 |
Peace And War: The Omnibus Edition, Joe Haldeman, Gollancz 2006 |

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