Teema: Psühholoogia, psühhiaatria ja neuroteadus
Psychology for as Level WorkbookAutor(id): Clare Charles
Kirjastus: Psychology Press
Aasta: 2002
ISBN: 1841693324, 9781841693323
Lehekülgi: 216
Seisukord: korralik raamat
Suurus: suures formaadis, pehmete kaantega
The Psychology for AS Level Workbook includes structured worksheets for students to fill in as they progress through their AS psychology course. The resulting notes are aimed to provide a useful resource bank for revision purposes. In addition to outlining a structure for note-taking, the workbook also gives supported guidance on everything students need to know in order to do well in exams. The content is directly relevant to the AQA Specification A and can be used in conjunction with any AS psychology textbook. To integrate with the rest of the learning materials in the Psychology Press A-Level programme, cross-references are provided throughout to the appropriate pages in Eysenck's Psychology for AS Level, 2nd Edition, and the revised version of Brody and Dwyer's Revise Psychology for AS Level. The Resources for Teaching AS and A2 Level Psychology: Complete Teacher and Student Materials CD-Rom can also support and enhance the workbook with supplementary features and a full set of model answers to the structured worksheets.
The Psychology for AS Level Workbook includes the following features:
* Learning objectives that condense the vast amount of syllabus content into focused and manageable chunks for each topic
* Structured worksheets that map on to each of the learning objectives and consist of cues for note-taking, opportunities to fill in the blanks, and example exam questions
* A key study template in APFCC format (Aims, Procedure, Findings, Conclusions, Criticisms) that enables students to complete a set of notes on each of the specified key research areas.
* Revision summaries that provide the full range of possible AO1 exam questions, along with guidance on how to answer them
* Example 18-mark essay questions including model answers for each of the critical issues
* Essay plans that cover the range of possible essay questions, including abbreviated answers for students to expand
* Crib sheets that form a condensed version of each topic, to aid revision and prepare students for any exam question.
This workbook will be invaluable for all students tackling AS Psychology. It enables them to navigate through the wealth of material linked to the subject, and encourages active learning to promote enjoyment of study.
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Soovin teavitust raamatu saabumisel:
Psychology for as Level Workbook, Clare Charles, Psychology Press 2002Palun kontrolli üle punasega märgitud väljad
Vaikimisi me ei teavita raamatukogudest mahakantud, templitega ega keskmisest kulunumas seisukorras eksemplaridest. Kui siiski soovid nende kohta teavitust, siis lisa vastavatele ridadele linnukesed.
Ootenimekirja kandmine on ainult teavituse jaoks, kui raamat saabub poodi. Vormi täitmine ei pane sulle ostukohustust, sest osad väljaanded on haruldasemad kui teised, siis pole meil võimalik kuidagi ennustada täpset aega, millal raamat võib taas müügile tulla.
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