Psychology for A2 Level, Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! Psychology for A2 Level, Michael W. Eysenck, Psychology Press 2001 | vanaraamat. ee
Alates 11. märtsist saab poodi tellitud pakke kätte endiselt tööajal E-R 10-18.00 ja L 10-16.00. Kaupluse ukse tagant helista tel. 734 1901. Pakiga posti teel saatmine toimib tavapäraselt.

1 tk kogusumma: 4,50 EUR

Teema: Psühholoogia, psühhiaatria ja neuroteadus
Pealkiri: Psychology for A2 Level
Autor(id): Michael W. Eysenck

Kirjastus: Psychology Press
Aasta: 2001
ISBN: 1841692514, 9781841692517
Lehekülgi: 912

Seisukord: kaaned kohati kulunud, leheservad natuke määrdunud

Mõõdud: 279x215x40 mm
Suurus: suures formaadis, pehmete kaantega


Psychology for A2 Level is a highly readable textbook, which has been written for the new A2 Psychology syllabus of the AQA Specification A (formerly AEB) and is aimed specifically at students pursuing their studies in psychology beyond AS level. It is an ideal follow-up to any AS level textbook, but in particular the best-selling Psychology for AS Level by the same authors. A supporting CD-Rom of AS/A2 teaching resources is free to teachers who recommend either of these textbooks to their students.
This A2 level text, which builds on the ideas and insights explored at AS level to promote a deeper understanding of psychology, is written in an accessible, engaging style by highly experienced authors.
The areas covered are: Social Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Comparative Psychology and Individual Differences. There are also chapters on Perspectives in Psychology and on the assessed coursework.
At this level, students select options from the range of specified topics, and each topic within the syllabus is covered in sufficient depth for the requirements of A2. The book includes a number of helpful features:
* tailored to the new AQA(A) specification so that students can easily use the text for their A2 studies
* mapped clearly and comprehensively to the requirements of three parts of the A2 assessment: Options paper; Synoptic paper; and Coursework
* careful explanations that are easy to read and enable clear understanding
* case studies of real life examples
* important key studies, each with critical evaluation and discussion points
* detailed end-of-chapter summaries
* exam-style questions to test understanding and to give exam practice
* suggested activities and self-assessment questions to stimulate thought and interpretation
* suggestions for further reading, in print and on-line
* many illustrations and humorous drawings to reinforce learning objectives
* tips and suggestions for studying, learning, choosing options and preparing for exams and coursework
* glossary of key terms.
Further information and resources related to AS and A2 level psychology can be found at the Psychology Press A-level website:

Hind: - Hetkel on otsas*

*Jäta enda märge ootenimekirja, siis saame sulle eelisjärjekorras saata teavituse kui raamat on jälle saadaval.

Psychology for A2 Level, Michael W. Eysenck, Psychology Press 2001 |
Psychology for A2 Level, Michael W. Eysenck, Psychology Press 2001 |
Psychology for A2 Level, Michael W. Eysenck, Psychology Press 2001 |
Psychology for A2 Level, Michael W. Eysenck, Psychology Press 2001 |
Psychology for A2 Level, Michael W. Eysenck, Psychology Press 2001 |
Psychology for A2 Level, Michael W. Eysenck, Psychology Press 2001 |

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