Teema: Reisijuhid, reisikirjad
Insight Guide United States on the RoadAutor(id): Martha Ellen Zenfell
Kirjastus: Insight Guides
Aasta: 2007
ISBN: 9789812586766, 9789812586766
Lehekülgi: 471
Seisukord: normaalses seisukorras raamat, pühendus sees
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega
For planning your trip or remembering your travels, even for the armchair traveler, the United States on the Road Insight Guide is a worthy companion. Inside this Guide you'll find:
Evocative, full-color photography on every page, Cross-referenced, four-color maps throughout, A Brief Introduction, including a Historical Timeline, Lively essays by local writers on the culture, history, and people, Expert evaluations on the sights really worth seeing such as teh Badlands, Big Bend, Saguaro, the Oregon Dunes and the Humboldt Redwoods, Special features spotlighting particular topics of interest including the Transportation Revolution, Route 66, Burma Shave and artists on the road, A comprehensive Travel Tips section with listings on the best restaurants, hotels, and attractions as well as practical information on such things as getting around and things to do with children. The world's largest visual travel guide series, Insight Guides, in association with Discovery Channel, the world's premier source of nonfiction entertainment, provide more insight than ever. From the most popular resort cities to the most exotic villages, Insight Guides captures the unique character of each culture with an insider's perspective.
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