Teema: Infotehnoloogia, programmeerimine ja internet
Pragmatic Version Control Using SubversionAutor(id): Mike Mason
Kirjastus: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Aasta: 2005
ISBN: 0974514063, 9780974514062
Lehekülgi: 224
Seisukord: kaaned pisut kulunud, leheservad natuke määrdunud, eksliibris sees
Suurus: tavaformaadist veidi suuremas formaadis, pehmete kaantega
This book covers the theory behind version control and how it can help developers become more efficient, work better as a team, and keep on top of software complexity. All projects need version control: it's the lifeblood of any project's infrastructure, yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all. Many others don't use it well and end up experiencing time-consuming problems.
Version control, done well, is your "undo" button for the project: nothing is final, and mistakes are easily rolled back. This book describes Subversion, the latest and hottest open source version control system, using a recipe-based approach that will get you up and running quickly--and correctly.
Learn how to use Subversion the right way--the pragmatic way.
With this book, you can:
Keep all project assets safe--not just source code--and never run the risk of losing a great idea
Know how to undo bad decisions--even directories and symlinks are versioned
Learn how to share code safely, and work in parallel for maximum efficiency
Install Subversion and organize, administer and backup your repository
Share code over a network with Apache, svnserve, or ssh
Create and manage releases, code branches, merges and bug fixes
Manage 3rd party code safely
Now there's no excuse not to use professional-grade version control.
20,00 EURTeema
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