Teema: Reisijuhid, reisikirjad
The Whispering LandAutor(id): Gerald Durrell
Kirjastus: Penguin Books
ISBN: 0143037080, 9780143037088
Lehekülgi: 0
Seisukord: normaalses seisukorras raamat
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega
Fans of Gerard Durrell’s beloved classic My Family and Other Animals and other accounts of his lifelong fascination with members of the animal kingdom will rejoice at The Whispering Land. The sequel to A Zoo in My Luggage, this is the story of how Durrell and his wife’s zoo-building efforts at England’s Jersey Zoo led them and a team of helpers on an eight- month safari in Argentina to look for South American specimens. Through windswept Patagonian shores and tropical forests in Argentina, from ocelots to penguins, fur seals to parrots, Durrell captures the landscape and its inhabitants with his signature charm and humor.
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