Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
Scottish GhostsAutor(id): Lily Seafield
Kirjastus: Lomond Books
Aasta: 1999
Lehekülgi: 192
Sari: 0947782141 (ISBN13: 9780947782146)
Seisukord: kaaned kohati kulunud, osa viimastest lehtedest plekilised
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega
Scotland's folklore is rich and varied, with stories passed from generation to generation. This vibrant story-telling tradition is captured in Scottish Ghosts with tales of spectres of past and present from all over Scotland, sometimes in the most unlikely of settings. Fairies, white ladies, tortured souls, poltergeists, malevolent phantoms, hideous creatures--Scotland has them all, ready for those who are willing to hear them, see them or sense their presence. There are tales of sightings that convinced the most sceptical of unbelievers. Whether they are the products of over-fertile imaginations, the desire to keep the memory of a colorful character alive, the simple wish to spin a good yarn by the fireside or whether they are actual sightings is left for you to decide.
4,00 EURTeema
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