Comprehensive Course of Russian Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! Comprehensive Course of Russian / Современный курс русского языка, Новак Ненси, 2002 | vanaraamat. ee
Alates 11. märtsist saab poodi tellitud pakke kätte endiselt tööajal E-R 10-18.00 ja L 10-16.00. Kaupluse ukse tagant helista tel. 734 1901. Pakiga posti teel saatmine toimib tavapäraselt.

Teema: Keeleõpikud
Pealkiri: Comprehensive Course of Russian / Современный курс русского языка
Autor(id): Новак Ненси

Linn: Moskva/Москва
Aasta: 2002
Lehekülgi: 510

Seisukord: normaalses korras kasutatud raamat. NB. KOMPLEKTIST PUUDUVAD HELIKASSETID

Mõõdud: 15 cм x 23 cм
Suurus: taskuformaadis ja pehmekaaneline raamat

This comprehensive course of Rissian aims to help you to anderstand spoken language in everyday situations. The teaching method is based on lessons wich include lively dialogs, short grammar commentaries, quizzes and cultural notes. 40 lessons, each wirh a lively, authentic Russian dialogue. Equivalent to two full years of college-level study. Cours contains 2 compact discs.
Developed by the experts at Living Language (USA), this course offers a highly effective combination of conversational Russian with grammar and culture. The course is a perfect combination of lively scenes, grammar sections and cultural notes.
40 lessons that include lively dialogues in Russian are supplied with the common vocabulary.
English translations and explanations of the Russian grammar rules, word usage, and pronunciation, along with the cultural notes.
Quizzes and reviews to check your progress.
Complete summary of the Russian grammar, verb conjugation charts.
A section on letter writing for business and social occasions.
English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries.
4 cassettes for self-studying with the textbook
Immerse yourself deep in a different environment by listening,to and repeating the recorded text.
Listen to the dialogues, master the grammar, and you will find out more information about the culture of the country where people speak the language you study.
Follow the instructions in the course book during the process of learning.
4 cassettes for further studying on the go
Master the material you've already learned, make sure you can handle it with confidence, and then proceed with the new lessons.
Perceive the recommendations of the English speaking instructor.
Listen to the dialogues and understand spoken Russian.
Study the language on your own , while driving or going by underground, jogging in the park or doing your daily household chores, anywhere.

Hind: - Hetkel on otsas*

*Jäta enda märge ootenimekirja, siis saame sulle eelisjärjekorras saata teavituse kui raamat on jälle saadaval.

Comprehensive Course of Russian / Современный курс русского языка, Новак Ненси, 2002 |
Comprehensive Course of Russian / Современный курс русского языка, Новак Ненси, 2002 |
Comprehensive Course of Russian / Современный курс русского языка, Новак Ненси, 2002 |
Comprehensive Course of Russian / Современный курс русского языка, Новак Ненси, 2002 |
Comprehensive Course of Russian / Современный курс русского языка, Новак Ненси, 2002 |
Comprehensive Course of Russian / Современный курс русского языка, Новак Ненси, 2002 |

Kasutatud raamatud
Alates 1999. aastast järjest täienenud raamatukataloog sisaldab täna üht Eesti kõige hoolikamalt valitud, sisukaimat kollektsiooni, mis pakub raamatusõpradele ehedaimat lugemisrõõmu.

Üle 47 000 väljaande
Kui tüüpilises raamatupoes on tavapäraselt müügil umbes 3000 raamatut, siis Vanaraamatu antikvariaat pakub lugejaile suuremat valikut, sest müüme kasutatud raamatuid erinevatest kümnenditest.

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