Teema: Mängud
The Rules of PokerAutor(id): The International Federation of Poker
Kirjastus: IFP Books
Aasta: 2012
Lehekülgi: 144
Seisukord: normaalses korras raamat
Suurus: tavaformaadis, kõvade kaantega
The authoritative and definitive new rule book from the International Federation of Poker.
The Rules of Poker is the long-awaited, unifying international rule book for tournament poker and procedural variants from Texas Hold 'Em to Seven-Card Stud, draw and cash games. The book also features instructions on how to play an exciting new version of the world's most popular card Match Poker. For those looking to improve their skill, it includes a question-and-answer section, which covers a wide range of situations from speech play to a fouled deck, and an in-depth glossary.
Edited by David Flusfeder, Chairman of the International Federation of Poker's Rules Committee, in collaboration with a number of high-profile poker players and tournament officials including James McManus and Thomas Kremser, The Rules of Poker is the definitive rule book for every poker player from novice to seasoned professional.
9,00 EURTeema
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