Teema: Eneseabi, psühholoogia, psühhiaatria, pedagoogika, lastekasvatus
The Dictionary of Dreams and Their MeaningsAutor(id): Richard Craze
Kirjastus: Hermes House
Aasta: 2003
ISBN: 9780681373921
Lehekülgi: 254
Seisukord: normaalses korras kasutatud raamat
Mõõdud: 216mm x 282mm x 20mm
Suurus: suures formaadis ja pehmes köites
This title helps you learn how humanity has viewed dreams through the centuries, and what their significance is for us today. It is an exploration of the many types of dreams including lucid dreaming, dream archetypes, nightmares, recurring dreams, erotic dreams and dream logic. You can begin a voyage of discovery as you learn what particular importance your dreams have for understanding yourself and the way you live your life. It an historical overview of dream analysis from the ancient Babylonians and Classical Greeks to Jung, Freud and modern scientific study. you can enjoy the rich and vivid images that reflect the vibrancy of our dream worlds with more than 600 photographs and illustrations to inform and inspire. This book explores the changing perceptions of dreams from Babylonian to modern times. It examines the significance of psychoanalysis, the work of Freud and Jung, and how modern sleep research and dream therapy has illuminated why we dream at all. Lucid dreaming, archetypes, nightmares, dream scenery and dream logic are all discussed, as are the methods of controlling your dreams.
The second part of the book is a lexicon that helps you to interpret your own dreams, analysing erotic dreams, nightmares, recurring dreams, dreams that prepare us for grief or loss, help us learn about living, or even take us to different worlds. This compelling guide, with more than 600 beautiful images, celebrates dreams as an important part of our experience, and offers significant insights into the human psyche.
9,00 EURTeema
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