A History of the Baltic StatesAutor(id): Andres Kasekamp
Kirjastus: Palgrave Macmillan
Aasta: 2010
ISBN: 9780230019416
Lehekülgi: 251
Sari: Palgrave Essential Histories
Suurus: pehmes köites
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been the battleground for neighbouring powers and the site of intense rivalry, but also interaction, between East and West. A History of the Baltic States masterfully traces the development of these three Baltic countries, from the northern crusades against Europe's last pagans, and Lithuania's rise to become one of medieval Europe's largest states, to their incorporation into the Russian Empire and the creation of their modern national identities. Drawing upon the most recent scholarship, Andres Kasekamp pays particular attention to the tumultuous twentieth century, during which the Baltic States achieved independence, but also endured occupation by both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Finally, he explores how the Baltic States recovered their statehood and transformed themselves into members of the European Union. Clearly and accessibly written, this is one of the first English-language books to provide a comparative survey of Baltic history. «Kasekamp's book is an innovative, comprehensive and balanced treatment of the history of all three Baltic States. Starting from the earliest times and taking the narrative up to the present day, it shows how developments in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia both diverge and intertwine. There is no better book to introduce the student to the fascinating story of the Baltic region.» – Professor James White, University of Glasgow, UK «Required reading for all persons interested in Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian history. Kasekamp's command of the scholarly literature is unsurpassed.» – Guntis Smidchens, Assistant Professor of Baltic Studies, University of Washington, USA ANDRES KASEKAMP is Professor of Baltic Politics at the University of Tartu, Estonia. He has served as the editor of Journal of Baltic Studies. His previous publications include The Radical Right in Interwar Estonia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2000).
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A History of the Baltic States, Andres Kasekamp, Palgrave Macmillan 2010Palun kontrolli üle punasega märgitud väljad
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