Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Jerry M. Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons Inc 1986 | vanaraamat. ee
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"Truudusetus""Mullmull""Akvaarium. Põhiteadmisi akvaristi..""Loodusfoto aastaraamat 2001/2002""Coaching Jobseekers""Päevakoerakutsikad""Sissejuhatus õiguspsühholoogiass..""National Geographic 2008 May. Vol...""National Geographic 2005 September..""National Geographic 2008 June. Vol..""National Geographic 2008 October. ..""National Geographic 2003 November...""National Geographic 2002 April. Vo..""National Geographic 2008 November...""National Geographic 2004 October. ..""National Geographic 2002 August. V..""National Geographic 1995 March. Vo..""National Geographic 2003 February...""National Geographic 2006 October. ..""National Geographic 2002 February...""National Geographic 2007 October. ..""National Geographic Special Editio..""National Geographic 2007 January. ..""National Geographic 2005 October. ..""National Geographic 2007 July. Vol..""National Geographic 2003 September..""National Geographic 2009 August. V..""National Geographic 2005 April. Vo..""National Geographic 1995 October. ..""National Geographic 2002 September..""National Geographic 2006 March. Vo..""National Geographic 1993 November...""National Geographic 1993 December...""National Geographic 1994 January. ..""National Geographic 1995 July. Vol..""National Geographic 2004 February...""National Geographic 2008 July. Vol..""National Geographic 2006 September..""National Geographic 2005 November...""National Geographic 2005 February...""National Geographic 1995 December...""National Geographic 1995 January. ..""National Geographic 2007 June. Vol..""National Geographic 2006 July. Vol..""National Geographic 2004 May. Vol...""National Geographic 2004 December...""National Geographic 2009 Novmber. ..""National Geographic 2008 August. V..""National Geographic 1994 December...""National Geographic 2008 September..""National Geographic 2006 June. Vol..""National Geographic 2005 May. Vol...""National Geographic 2005 June. Vol..""National Geographic 2007 March. Vo..""Muumitroll. Sniff armub""Kirjandiõpetus. Töövihik gümna..""Matemaatikaülesandeid Tartu Ülik.."
57 tk kogusumma: 217,00 EUR

Teema: Infotehnoloogia, programmeerimine ja internet
Pealkiri: Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Autor(id): Jerry M. Rosenberg

Kirjastus: John Wiley & Sons Inc
Aasta: 1986
ISBN: 0471849820
Lehekülgi: 216

Seisukord: ümbrispaber kohati kulunud ja servadest natuke katki

Mõõdud: 230x150 mm
Suurus: tavaformaadist pisut suuremas formaadis, pehmes köites


A compilation of over 4,000 terms and their definitions relevant to artificial intelligence and robotics. Keeping in mind newcomers and more experienced business people in the field, it includes multiple and alternative meanings, abbreviations, acronyms, and foreign expressions. Supplies both general and specialized entries. Cites the relationship between robotics, AI, and computer control terms where applicable. Groups entries containing mutual concepts together alphabetically, by their common term. Identifies archaic terms and their preferred alternative. Useful for increasing clarity, exactness, and stabilizing the most current terminology.

Dictionary of artificial intelligence & robotics

Hind: 13,00 EUR
Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Jerry M. Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons Inc 1986 | vanaraamat.ee
Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Jerry M. Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons Inc 1986 | vanaraamat.ee
Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Jerry M. Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons Inc 1986 | vanaraamat.ee
Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Jerry M. Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons Inc 1986 | vanaraamat.ee
Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Jerry M. Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons Inc 1986 | vanaraamat.ee
Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Jerry M. Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons Inc 1986 | vanaraamat.ee

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