Teema: Keel ja kirjandus
Sign Systems Studies. Trudõ po znakovõm sistemam. Töid märgisüsteemide alalt 28. osaAutor(id):
Kirjastus: TÜ Kirjastus
Aasta: 2000
ISBN: 9985565428
Lehekülgi: 440
Seisukord: normaalses korras raamat
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega
Table of contents Peeter Torop, Mihhail Lotman, Kalevi Kull - Intercommunication: Editors' comments General semiotics John Deely - Semiotics as a postmodern recovery of the cultural unconscious Winfried Nöth - Umberto Eco's semiotic threshold Jaakko Hintikka - Language as a «mirror of nature» Frederik Stjernfelt - Mereology and semiotics Semiotics of culture Marcel Danesi - A note on Vico and Lotman: Semiotics as a «science of the imagination» Peeter Torop - The intersemiotic space: Adrianopol in F. Dostoevsky's «Crime and punishment» St. Petersburg Dinda L. Gorlée - Text semiotics: Textology as survival machine Thomas G. Winner - Czech and Tartu-Moscow semiotics: The cultural semiotics of Vladimir Macura Tomi Huttunen - From «word-images» to «chapter-shots»: The imaginist montage of Anatolij Mariengof Irina Avramets - On the definition of genre of Dostoevsky's works Mihhail Lotman - Russian verse: Its metrics, versification systems, and prosody (generative synopsis) Marina Grishakova - V. Nabokov's «Bend Sinister»: A social message or an experiment with time? José Sanjinés - The book at the outskirts of culture: Cortazar's first almanac Linnart Mäll - On the concept of humanistic base texts Ecosemiotics Roland Posner - Semiotic pollution: Deliberations towards an ecology of signs Dagmar Schmauks - Teddy bears, Tamagotchis, transgenic mice: A semiotic typology of artificial animals Biosemiotics Kalevi Kull - An introduction to phytosemiotics: Semiotic botany and vegetative sign systems Felice Cimatti - The circular semiosis of Giorgio Prodi Aleksei Turovski - The semiotics of animal freedom: A zoologist's attempt to perceive the semiotic aim of Heini Hediger Myrdene Anderson - Sharing G. Evelyn Hutchinson's fabricational noise Sabine Brauckmann - Steps towards an ecology of cognition: A holistic essay Reviews Winfried Nöth, Kalevi Kull - Discovering ecosemiotics Anti Randviir, Eero Tarasti, Vilmos Voigt - Finno-Ugric semiotics: Cultures and metacultures
kirjandusteadus ja -kriitika
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