Teema: Keel ja kirjandus
Sign Systems Studies. Trudõ po znakovõm sistemam. Töid märgisüsteemide alalt 29. osaAutor(id):
Kirjastus: TÜ Kirjastus
Aasta: 2001
ISBN: 9985565762
Lehekülgi: 378
Seisukord: normaalses korras raamat
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega
Table of contents Winfried Nöth, Kalevi Kull - Introduction: Special issue on semiotics of nature (9-11) The semiotic threshold: Semiosis in the physical nature? Winfried Nöth - Protosemiotics and physicosemiosis (13-26) John Deely - Physiosemiosis in the semiotic spiral: A play of musement (27-48) Lucia Santaella - «Matter as effete mind»: Peirce's synechistic ideas on the semiotic threshold (49-62) Solomon Marcus - Conway's game of life and the ecosystem represented by Uexküll's concept of Umwelt (63-69) General ecosemiotics Winfried Nöth - Ecosemiotics and the semiotics of nature (71-81) Zdzislaw Wasik - On the biological concept of subjective significance: A link between the semiotics of nature and the semiotics of culture (83-106) Soren Brier - Ecosemiotics and cybersemiotics (107-120) Cultural ecosemiotics Alf Hornborg - Vital signs: An ecosemiotic perspective on the human ecology of Amazonia (121-152) Andreas Weber - Cognition as expression: On the autopoietic foundations of an aesthetic theory of nature (153-168) Christina Ljungberg - Wilderness from an ecosemiotic perspective (169-186) Svend Erik Larsen - Nature between fact and fiction: A note on virtual reality (187-202) Andreas Roepstorff - Thinking with animals (203-218) Semiotic perspectives of the ecological crisis and globalization Max Oelschlaeger - Ecosemiotics and the sustainability transition (219-236) Claus Emmeche - Bioinvasion, globalization, and the contingency of cultural and biological diversity: Some ecosemiotic observations (237-262) Augusto Ponzio, Susan Petrilli - Bioethics, semiotics of life, and global communication (263-275) Jesper Hoffmeyer - S/E ? 1: A semiotic understanding of bioengineering (277-291) Luis Emilio Bruni - Biosemiotics and ecological monitoring (293-312) Riste Keskpaik - Towards a semiotic definition of trash (313-324) Topics in biosemiotics Timo Maran - Mimicry: Towards a semiotic understanding of nature (325-339) Dario Martinelli - Methodologies and problems in zoomusicology (341-352) Kalevi Kull - Biosemiotics and the problem of intrinsic value of nature (353-365) Reviews and comments Noam Chomsky - Beyond «universal grammar» (367-368) Claus Emmeche - The emergence of signs of living feeling: Reverberations from the first Gatherings in Biosemiotics (369-376)
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