Teema: Ulme-, fantaasia- ja õuduskirjandus
Chosen (House of Night #3)Autor(id): P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast
Kirjastus: Atom
Aasta: 2009
ISBN: 1905654332 (ISBN13: 9781905654338)
Lehekülgi: 322
Sari: House of Night 3
Seisukord: normaalses korras raamat, kaaned üle kiletatud, raamatukogu ja sealt mahakandmise tempel sees, sisu olemas ja korras
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega
"I guess it had gone okay with Stevie Rae.
I mean, she had agreed to meet me tomorrow.
And she hadn't tried to bite me, which was a plus.
Of course, the whole trying-to-eat-the-street-person
thing was highly disturbing..."
Zoey's best friend, Stevie Rae, is undead - in an eww! zombie! kind-of-way, not in a cool vampire kind-of-way. She's struggling to retain her humanity and Zoey doesn't have a clue how to help. But she does know that anything they discover must be kept secret.
Trust has become a rare commodity. Sinister forces are at work at the House of Night, where the line between friend and enemy is becoming dangerously blurred.
Young Adult
14,00 EUROtsing autori järgi:
P. C. Cast, Ajaratsurid: kättemaksja,
Ersen, 2011, hind: 8,00 eurot
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Hunt, 2024, hind: 15,00 eurot
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Perioodika, 1990, hind: 25,00 eurot
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Hotger, 1996, hind: 4,50 eurot
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Joachim Castan, Punane parun,
Olion, 2011, hind: 23,00 eurot
P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast, Tempted (House of Night #6),
Atom, 2009, hind: 8,00 eurot
Carlos Castaneda, Sisemine tuli,
Chiron, 1995, hind: 12,00 eurot
Norbert Casteret, 30 aastat maa all,
Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1960, hind: 5,00 eurot
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